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I've had the privilege of being part of Nzime for over 25 years. Together we have designed and built the very first websites for international brands and today we're forming and delivering complex brand propositions through multi channel digital platforms.
How it started 25 years ago and the journey so far.
With conversations being around Nzime Ltd 25 year milestone this year I'd almost ignored the fact that I've been in the same/similar role for the past 25 years.
Leaving Loughborough School of Design and Creative Arts back in '92 I was fortunate to step into an agency role as a junior designer, from there I worked in agencies as a creative until 2000 when I decided I needed to do my own thing.
I had a clear vision, I certainly wouldn't call it a business plan, it consisted of 'type of work' I wanted to do, the 'type of clients' to do that work for and that I wanted to be in a city centre.
However for the first year I achieved none of the above, I soon realised I needed to consider the financial chapter of my business plan a little more thoroughly (actually include one).
I've been fortunate over the last 25 years with huge amounts of help in many different guises, from old colleagues throwing me work from their agencies to friends putting me in touch with new clients. To a degree this still happens today, I guess it's called networking 😬.
There's been step changes over the years, times where Nzime had a 'leg up', usually by winning work that puts us on the radar and opens doors in new sectors. Changes have also come about by constantly evolving, Nzime is in no way the same business that started 25 years ago, Nzime is now unrecognisable even to that of 10 years ago. There's still that DNA though which can be seen in our values today.
Always looking to evolve and challenge has been an underlying theme in Nzime - never sit still, never rely on past success to take you forward. That may be changes to our proposition, our team, our way of working, marketing approach, the list goes on. I love change, seasons, travel, food, people, anything that bring new experiences and challenge.
If I had the chance to sit my 24 year old self down at the start I would certainly have words of wisdom to share. Listen more than you speak. Make notes. Find a healthy balance between everything. Surround yourself by people that are better than you. Be transparent. Embrace accountability. Stop and look around from time to time. Verbalise appreciation.
I guess a lot of this comes with experience as I wasn't ready to listen to myself back then and I was told I was un-coachable, I look back on that and cringe as it couldn't be further from that today.
Fast forward 25 years and I'm incredibly proud of what we/I have achieved, Nzime today is much bigger than myself, now a team of 20+ passionate people who in one way or many are more talented than me. They are inquisitive, creative, clever, informative and savvy, allowing us to invest back into Nzime for the next leg of this ride 💪🏽.
Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey so far ❤️, clients, coaches, suppliers, shoulder to lean on, that person who I call up and vent to, but above all thanks to the team who continue daily to surprise me by going above and way beyond.
Here's to another 25 ✌🏽